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Katie Ratlief

Executive Director

For media inquiries, please contact cinamon@csinstituteus.org

Katie Ratlief is Common Sense Institute’s Executive Director. In this role, Katie serves as CSI-AZ’s primary spokesperson, and works with the CEO, Board and other partners to ensure that CSI-AZ’s mission is fulfilled through programs, strategic planning and community outreach.

Prior to joining the Common Sense Institute Arizona, Katie served in former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s administration for six years. She served as Director of Legislative Affairs, Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff. In there roles, she led the governor’s legislative, policy and budget teams in advocating for policies to ensure Arizona is the best state in which to live, work, play and raise a family. She served as the lead negotiator for the state budget while Deputy Chief of Staff. She is proud to have worked to secure the bipartisan Opioid Epidemic Act, the 20×2020 teacher pay raise, the nation’s first universal license recognition law, the state’s Drought Contingency Plan, a modernized gaming compact, the largest income tax cut in state history, the largest school choice expansion in the country, and a $1 billion investment in the state’s water resiliency.

Katie received her B.A. in Economics and Political Science and her J.D. from the University of Arizona.

Housing & Our Community
KVOA: Katie Ratlief on Arizona's ongoing fentanyl crisis

Katie Ratlief on KVOA discussing the ongoing fentanyl crisis

July 01, 2024 Katie Ratlief
Housing & Our Community
Katie Ratlief on Arizona's ongoing fentanyl crisis

Katie Ratlief on Arizona's ongoing fentanyl crisis, Common Sense Institutes Executive Director.

June 25, 2024 Katie Ratlief
Housing & Our Community
Analysis counts toll of Arizona fentanyl crisis at $58 billion

A new report calculates the direct and indirect costs of the fentanyl crisis to Arizona’s economy at $58 billion last year.

June 24, 2024 Katie Ratlief
Housing & Our Community
The Sun Belt cities that poured $460M into 'bottomless pit' of homelessness but ended up with MORE vagrants
Daily Mail

Phoenix and Tucson have spent $460 million of taxpayers' money fighting homelessness, but the number of vagrants keeps rising, says an alarming new report.

June 10, 2024 Katie Ratlief
Ballot Issues
Arizona's Ballot: Key Initiatives Shaping Jobs and Economic Competitiveness

This year’s Arizona ballot is packed with crucial measures, many of which directly impact jobs and the economy.

September 17, 2024 Glenn FarleyKatie Ratlief
Ballot Issues
Arizona's Ballot Breakdown: Jobs, Economy, and the 2024 Election

Diving into Arizona's upcoming election season, focusing on the critical ballot initiatives that could shape the future of jobs and the economy in the state.

September 10, 2024 Katie Ratlief
Jobs & Our Economy
Arizona's Job Killers: Breaking Down the Economic Threats

Get ready for a hard-hitting dive into the policies set to crush Arizona's job market in 2024.

August 20, 2024 Katie Ratlief